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Dr. Cynthia Chan

Executive Coach


Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.

John Wooden
Dr. Cynthia Chan

My North Star has always been to help and inspire people to seek the most out of life. It started over 25 years ago when I became a Doctor of Chiropractic; educating and treating patients on how to be mentally and physically well. Now in my capacity as an executive coach, my goal has evolved to educating and supporting leaders, partnerships and teams. My pragmatic coaching approach draws on my diverse entrepreneurial experience, and also includes listening to one's intuition, working with systems’ intelligence and utilizing change management during critical personal and professional transitions.

Cynthia is an ORSC Certified and ICF Credited Coach (PCC), and a Doctor of Chiropractic. She has a specialty in coaching teams and organizations, and her 25+ years in clinical practice has honed her expertise in wellness education, stress management and educating clients on work/life balance.

What sets Cynthia apart is her unique experience with owning several small businesses over the last 25 years, including managing operations at a multidisciplinary health clinic, and at a professional acting school.

As a coach Cynthia has helped leaders and organizations change toxic communication patterns, develop individual role awareness at every organizational level, and to delineate between strategic vision and the maintenance of efficient day-to-day operations. She is acutely aware that successful leaders and organizations need a fine balance between both stability and growth, and she helps them achieve it with experience, open ears, systems coaching tools and a sense of humour.

Dr. Cynthia Chan


On the Personal Side

Baseball Mom / Music-Dance-Film-Theatre Fan / Social Introvert / Ramen Lover

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